Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Role Of Belief In Successful Magic

Many people debate the existence or effectiveness of magic spells, but often only because they don't fully understand the concepts behind magic and how it works. They question the results rather than learning and applying the techniques to achieve their own results (that's another problem - magic is a very personal experience and everyone's interpretation often differs, but we'll leave that for another discussion).

Successful magic spells come about by the application of belief, will and desire. Your honest intentions drive the magic spells you cast, and determine the eventual outcome. Without that powerful energy behind the spell, there is no "engine" to make the spell work, and so nothing will happen.

Magic is not like you see in the movies. It's not visual, and it doesn't happen instantly. It can't do physically impossible things like making you invisible, making you fly or producing cash out of thin air. However, it can bend the rules slightly... In reality, magic comes entirely from within you. You have to release the energy from your heart, mind and spirit and then direct that energy towards your life goals. Magic spells, rituals, incantations, chants, symbols and so on, all help you to do exactly that.

So where does belief come into it?

Well, imagine a situation where you cast a spell to get a new job. You go through the procedure of the spell, you perform the rituals, speak the right words and do everything that the spell says you should. But... in the back of your mind, you "know" that the spell is rubbish and it won't bring you any closer to getting a new job.

Do you think that magic spell will be successful? Probably not. And here's why: because the magic comes from within you, you have to maintain a firm belief in yourself, your magic, your spells and your goals in order to maintain a proper focused mind and keep every fiber of your being focused on your goals.

In short:

Without belief, you will lack focus. Without focus, your magic will not be as powerful as it could be, and without powerful magic you won't get any results.

You might be wondering, "But how can I build that belief?". Part of the answer is to have faith and keep practising, but you can give yourself a head start. Every time you download any magic spells from this website, you will receive a free set of 5 bonus e-books that will help you understand the truth about how magic works, how to avoid common mistakes, how to build your belief quickly and ultimately gain a better experience with your magic.

Magic is real, no matter what people say. They will claim that there is no proof of results, but the proof is all around us every day. Once you have prepared yourself to believe, you will begin to finally see the truth and see incredible and unexplainable results from your spells. There is no time like the present - click here to begin your journey!

Shape Changing Magic Spells

Is it really possible to turn into a dragon, or shape shift into a mermaid, or transform into a wolf or a snake?

I'm sorry to say, but no, it isn't. At least, not physically. However... there is a way you can do it...

The problem is that magic just doesn't work that way in real life. Magic is not like the tricks you see conjurers do on stage, or like the flashbang whizzy stuff you see in movies. You won't be able to break the known laws of physics to move stuff around, levitate objects or transform into animals or other fantasy beings.

As much as you might want to become a vampire or something else, I'm sorry to say it's not going to happen. Anyone who tells you they can do it and they'll teach you how is misleading you (and perhaps even themselves!)

Real magic is not meant for shapeshifting anyway. It's meant for more subtle purposes. It's meant for helping you with your life goals, your relationships, your money and your success.


There is a way you can "become" a dragon, mermaid, vampire or anything else you want, and experience shape shifting...

You see, there are several planes of existence that we all live in. Some we experience every day (the real world while you're awake), some only occasionally and pretty much out of our control (for example dreaming), and others are accessible but take some practice to get into.

To experience shape shifting and transformation you must enter the "astral" plane. This is a place inside your mind where anything is possible. You've probably heard of Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experiences...

These are all possible thanks to the power of the mind, and they are as real to the person experiencing them as anything else in the world. Think of it like this: your reality is made up purely of what you perceive through your senses. We experience the world around us through sight, hearing, taste, touch and so on.

If you cannot perceive something, how do you know it exists at all? (The age old saying: "if a tree falls in the woods and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" is based on this exact idea). And in reverse, what you perceive through your senses is absolutely real to you.

So... if you can learn to manipulate your senses and what they perceive, you can experience incredible things such as shape shifting, out of body experiences and all the rest.

But how does this all relate to magic and magic spells? Well, a large component of effective spell casting is powerful visualisation. If you get good at visualisation through your magic spells, you will naturally find it easier to begin practising more advanced techniques including shapeshifting.

When you're very skilled, it is possible to hop in and out of your shapeshifting state in a few seconds, and "transform" at will into whatever you want. To practice visualisation, keep practicing your magic spells. Make sure you relax fully before you begin casting, and spend time working on your visualisation and stimulating your senses during the visualisation.

Ancient Magic with the Theban Alphabet

The Theban Alphabet is a collection of writing letters with unknown origin. They were first published around the 16th century by Johannes Trithemius but was attributed to some unknown 12th or 13th century writers.

"All Magic Spells" written in the Theban Alphabet

The Theban Alphabet is also sometimes known as the "Witch's Alphabet" thanks to its widespread use in Wicca and other modern witchcraft belief systems as a way of crytpically hiding magical writings, spells and other important treasures.

The alphabet has a very mystical and magical appearance, perhaps why it was chosen by Wiccans and witches the world over. Each letter corresponds directly to one letter in the Latin alphabet (A-Z) with some omitions. For example, I/J map to the same Theban letter, as do U/V/W. Another difference is that there is no upper and lower case in the Theban alphabet.

The Theban Alphabet is also known as the "Theban Script" or "Angelic Script", and it is said that it's one of several different scripts used to communicate with angels. It's also said that when someone wants to petition an angel for help, it's more powerful if written with this script.

The Theban alphabet is used by witches, pagans, and Wiccans to cast spells, either by writing out the glyphs and then burning the paper, or carving them in ceremonial stones. It is believed that it may have been originally developed as a cipher for hiding messages from interfering observers.

There are many different styles of writing the Theban letters. The image you see above was generated using a font from 1001Fonts and has a distinct "handwritten", delicate feel. There are other versions though, such as the one found at Omniglot which has a much more deliberate and defined feel. How you choose to write the letters is a matter of personal preference.

Why not try using the Theban alphabet in your magic? Maybe you could write a few spells, or notes in your Grimoire or Book of Shadows. Maybe you could create charms with Theban writing on, or use Theban symbols on letters sent to friends.

"Magic" vs "Magick" - What's The Difference?

Many Wicca, witchcraft, Pagan and occult related websites and literary publications use the term "magick" rather than "magic". But why?

The simple answer is usually that they want to distinguish themselves from conjuring or illusions performed by entertainers on stage.

Magic is the term they use to mean "fake" magic - sleight of hand, illusion, trickery with smoke and mirrors, stage conjuring, that sort of thing. This is visual magic performed for entertainment's sake, to confuse and befuddle onlookers, not to achieve a greater goal.

This sort of magic cannot create a change in the universe. It cannot help you to attain your goals, change your life or grasp at your dreams. It can entertain you for a few minutes, but eventually the thrill wears off and you're back where you started.

Magick on the other hand, is the term they use for "real" magic. Real magic is part of Wicca, witchcraft, and the occult. These are belief systems that are tied into nature, the universe, spirituality and elements of religion.

Most importantly, the difference is that while magicians perform tricks, witches and wizards (or anyone involved with spell casting as part of their own particular interpretation of witchcraft, spirituality, paganism, the occult and so on) perform spells, and that's what sets us apart.

Spells are our tools for bringing about our wishes and desires, for bending and manipulating the universe to our will, and for controlling the world around us for the benefit of our friends, family, and of course ourselves.

So why do I use "magic" and not "magick"? Honestly, it's my personal preference. I believe that in fact, witchcraft came first and that conjuring was inspired by real witches and wizards many thousands of years ago.

Tales of the incredible feats witches have achieved with a few simple magic spells would have been told and received with respect, admiration and awe. No doubt some people wanted to recreate that feeling but did not possess the skill, faith, patience or will to learn about real magic for themselves, so they resorted to trickery.

In that sense, the term "magick" has been forced upon us by a more mainstream acceptance of conjuring and a need for us to stand apart from it and separate what we do, from what they do. But I take a traditionalist view of magic and feel that we should stick to our true roots and our core faiths and beliefs, and not worry about others.

So, when you see me mention magic, I mean REAL magic, not sleight of hand or tricks with smoke and mirrors. So when you see other websites say "magick" - we're all taking about the same thing.

Colours In Magic And Witchcraft

Colours are very important in all types of magic. Colours touch different parts of your unconscious mind, and trigger emotions and feelings, and help you to unlock your magic energy and power. Using the right colours in your magic is vital for getting the best results.

Many people use colours differently - that's OK. We all see colours differently and they mean different things to each of us individually. How you choose to use colours is up to you and will depend on your personal preferences.

Modern magic makes use of colour in a variety of ways: through candles, altar cloths, oils, coloured water, clothes and robes, charms, plants and herbs, gems and crystals and so on, all add to the power of your magic.

The Ancient Egyptians had sacred chambers lit with colored sunlight within their temples. Rays of sunlight were split into the different colors of the rainbow so that each healing room was illuminated with a single, vivid color.

Visitors would be diagnosed and put into the coloured chamber that would best heal and restore them. And it is said that the citizens of the lost civilization of Atlantis, which many scholars maintain really did exist, had similar healing chambers lit by crystal filtered light.

Below is a list of colours as used by me in the magic spells available on this website.

Red - usually meant for passion, lust and love, red is a very strong and powerful colour. It is a "whole body" colour, causing a reaction across all of you. Raising your heartbeat, focusing your attention and activating your body and mind. Red is used in our Love Spells.

Red is also used sometimes for anger, although spells should never be cast in anger.

Yellow - used for healing, calming, confidence, concentration and change. Yellow brings inspiration and warmth, and helps to heal. Yellow is used in our Healing Spells.

Green - mostly representing money, success, ambition, abundance and prosperity but also representing nature, the earth and fertility. Greenis used in our Money Spells.

Blue/Purple - dark and powerful colours, these are luxurious and rich. They provoke feelings of power, supremacy, ultimate control and influence. There is also an element of understanding, loyalty and truth to blue and purple. These colours are used in our Power Spells.

White - is all the colours of the spectrum combined, and is a purifying, cleansing and restorative colour. White is so positive that is helpful in virtually every magic spell! The ultimate colour for protection, peace, harmony, light, spirituality and safety, white is used in many of our spells but mostly the Protection Spells.

Open your eyes to the colours around you during the day, and try to notice what effect those colours have on you. Then translate that into your magic. For a clearer idea of how colours can affect magic, try out a few of our spells from different spell books!