Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Magic" vs "Magick" - What's The Difference?

Many Wicca, witchcraft, Pagan and occult related websites and literary publications use the term "magick" rather than "magic". But why?

The simple answer is usually that they want to distinguish themselves from conjuring or illusions performed by entertainers on stage.

Magic is the term they use to mean "fake" magic - sleight of hand, illusion, trickery with smoke and mirrors, stage conjuring, that sort of thing. This is visual magic performed for entertainment's sake, to confuse and befuddle onlookers, not to achieve a greater goal.

This sort of magic cannot create a change in the universe. It cannot help you to attain your goals, change your life or grasp at your dreams. It can entertain you for a few minutes, but eventually the thrill wears off and you're back where you started.

Magick on the other hand, is the term they use for "real" magic. Real magic is part of Wicca, witchcraft, and the occult. These are belief systems that are tied into nature, the universe, spirituality and elements of religion.

Most importantly, the difference is that while magicians perform tricks, witches and wizards (or anyone involved with spell casting as part of their own particular interpretation of witchcraft, spirituality, paganism, the occult and so on) perform spells, and that's what sets us apart.

Spells are our tools for bringing about our wishes and desires, for bending and manipulating the universe to our will, and for controlling the world around us for the benefit of our friends, family, and of course ourselves.

So why do I use "magic" and not "magick"? Honestly, it's my personal preference. I believe that in fact, witchcraft came first and that conjuring was inspired by real witches and wizards many thousands of years ago.

Tales of the incredible feats witches have achieved with a few simple magic spells would have been told and received with respect, admiration and awe. No doubt some people wanted to recreate that feeling but did not possess the skill, faith, patience or will to learn about real magic for themselves, so they resorted to trickery.

In that sense, the term "magick" has been forced upon us by a more mainstream acceptance of conjuring and a need for us to stand apart from it and separate what we do, from what they do. But I take a traditionalist view of magic and feel that we should stick to our true roots and our core faiths and beliefs, and not worry about others.

So, when you see me mention magic, I mean REAL magic, not sleight of hand or tricks with smoke and mirrors. So when you see other websites say "magick" - we're all taking about the same thing.

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